Tuesday 23 August 2022

It Was The Househusband Day

I least enjoy,

cleaning the lime scale from the glass shelves in the bathroom, plus all of the usual bits and pieces I do around the flat, also I have to admit yesterdays post took some time, repeated note to self, do not take so many photographs! in the afternoon a real treat,

from a previous post in November 2019, " I have mentioned before about the best Christmas present I can remember receiving, this is what I wrote, ' I still remember Zoo Quest for a Dragon being shown in black and whist watching it at aged 6, I was spellbound, Mum and Dad bought me the best Christmas present ever, a hardback copy of Zoo Quest, I read the covers off it! I can still even remember the photographs in it and the personality of one of the Land Rovers they travelled in', I did not know until today it was filmed in colour, we could at the time only watch it in black and white as there was no such thing as colour television then, well last night there was a hour long documentary about the series, what a treat to see and listen to master wordsmith Sir David Attenborough recount the trip they made, and look at the wonderful colour film of the adventure", 

well great news as today, the programme, Zoo Quest in Colour, re-aired this afternoon, although I had watched it before, I was totally spellbound for one and a half hours, for myself pure television magic, after a couple of quiz shows and my evening meal it was feet up for an Endeavour, during which Diana arrived home, so for a change a Vampire movie,

Blade: Trinity, which was not too scary dairy, and quite a good watch as it happens, after which we were off to bed.

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