Monday 26 August 2024

Another Day Of Only One Post,

on Sunday we were out with Steve and Kai,

and as usual took way to many photographs, so glad rags on, 

I just had to!

and out into a bright sunny day, 

Steve and Kai picked us up and we were soon approaching Croydon,

through it and out again, 

heading towards Gatwick airport, 

and this is where we are going Tulleys Sunflower Festival, just follow the arrows, 

past field,

after field of pumpkins, it is going to be a bumper Halloween!

car parked and we were heading towards the entrance, 

and were greeted by a vase of sunflowers and dahlias, 

inside there were a number of vehicles and items to pose by, 

so one of Diana,

we were all hungry and having been to Tulleys before

we knew what food to expect, 

whilst the girls grabbed the food, 

I took a few photographs and with Steve snagged a table, 

Diana was first back,

with our tray, 

chips and a pizza like dish for Diana, a foot long burger with crispy onions for myself,

Diana popped back to help Kai,

chips for Kai, a footlong burger for Steve,

Steve had bought the coffees, 

I looked after the beers!


what a feast, 

then time to walk to the sunflower fields, 

and there were masses of them, 

sunflowers almost as far as the eye could see, 

we were told that there were a number of varieties, 

but first a pose on one of the tractors, 

adjust glasses, 

and get ready for a selfie,

next into the fields, 

there were just so many of them,

on this one a worker, 

a bee, 

well two of them, 

with a pockets full of beer I was as happy as Larry, well one does not want to get dehydrated in the middle of a field!

many of the sunflowers dwarfed Diana,

we were soon finding different varieties of them, 

these with white petals,

these red, 

Kai was busy making a video, 

whilst we all looked at the different coloured sunflowers, 

I have to admit I knew there were a number of varieties, 

but none as different as these, 

all red, 

these a pale red, 

with a white/yellow edging, 

the numbers in each bed, 

beyond counting, 


the girls were soon lost in a field of them,

the red and yellow of these looked most attractive, 

a quick pose from the girls,

whilst I had another look around, 

these flowers medium height, 

whilst these ones just about waist high, 

and nice they looked too,

a solid red in this bed, 

we found ourselves in the centre of the fields, 

all set, 

and into the fields again, 

these named Moulin Rouge, 

Diana was snapping away with her telephone, and making a video too,

and here I am at the start of another field of Moulin Rouge,

well I just had to!

it was now time to employ the secateurs, we had already seen a few varieties that we liked,

one of these, 

one of these, 

one of these as well,

but which to choose?

Diana mentioned she wanted a couple of big ones, 

and here they are, 

bigger than my head, 

selection made, 

we were on our way,
but first a few more poses, 

and then Diana found a bigger one still,

a keeper!

time for a pose, 

or two, 

as we left the fields, 

it was a glorious day, but it has to be said when the sun disappeared behind a cloud a tad chilly, being open here the wind had a chill to it, 

Steve with their selection,

and you can post photographs here, 

ice cream time!

the girls had bought a ice cream each, 

we found a table, 

they both had a selection of scoops, 

mango and vanilla with pineapple I think it was for Diana,

into the exit tent, a Morris Minor truck laded down, 

with all manner of goods in its rear, 

dahlias for sale too, we had a fabulous day, we were all impressed with the size of the fields and the varieties, this is defiantly in our dairies for a day out again next year, 

on the way out a few more festivals that will be taking place at Tulleys, 

we were soon under Gatwick airport, 

and through Croydon, 

before heading up Beckenham High Street and the church, Steve and Kai called in for a coffee, many thanks to them for driving us there, 

after they left, Diana arranged the flowers, 

the blooms were £1.50 each, but each admission ticket included one bloom, the address of the farm is Tulleys Sunflower Fields, Turners Hill Rd. Turners Hill, West Sussex. RH10 4NA the farms home page is here

during the day Diana was making a small video, and here it is, what a wonderful day out,

time for my evening read, 

for tonight Diana had prepared sen lek gai, a Thai spicy chicken noodle type of soup, 

add a bit of spice,

in the form of chopped dried peppers, after which it was feet up for some television, we watched a couple from Wycliffe before Diana was off to bed, a early start tomorrow, for myself a Banger & Cash before I too was off to bed.

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