Saturday 31 August 2024

This Is A,

"what is it?" post,

and that is the question, what is it? a few clues, 

it has a total of 32 propellers, all of which work,

it has 1,520 individual components and measuring in at 60cm in length, 60cm in height and 35cm in width, 

it weighs 17kg.

it also has three barrels inside, 

to provide energy to various sections of the Albatross, (that is what it is called), 

it has a nautical wheel, so what is it? what does it do? it is a modern reincarnation of the airship of the same name from Jules Verne’s novel, Robur the Conqueror, only the Albatross does not fly, what it actually does is to tell the time, it is a clock! 

the 15th collaborative project between L’Epee 1839 and MB&F the 32 propellers apparently spin for seven seconds each time the clock - which is nestled somewhere in the middle of all that metal - hits the hour-mark, the inner mechanicals consist of two winding systems: one to power the time and the other to drive the striking hour, the Albatross is claimed to be the first-ever clock to have a propeller hour,

it was no simple feat to achieve either, as L’Epee CEO Arnaud Nicolas explains: “We had to make several attempts to find the correct power and speed for the propellers as our initial experiments caused chaos in the workshop. It was like a helicopter ready for take-off!” 

 a choice of five colours can be had in total and will be limited to eight pieces per finish, that means a total of just 40 will ever be built, with prices starting at £107,000 (plus VAT) per unit, for the full article have a look here.

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