Sunday 18 August 2024

I Know That Different Counties Favour Different Drinks,

but I was amazed to find out that in the Mexican state of Chiapas,

the average person drinks 821.2 litres of Coca-Cola per year, roughly 32 times the global average! about 2.2 litres of it per day, which makes it more popular than drinking water, well I know what fish do I water so that has my vote! But seriously many drinkers have no clue that they are addicted to it. The iconic soft drink has been present in Chiapas for over half a century and is so deeply ingrained in the local culture and even in its religious practice, that people can’t imagine their lives without it, 

Marcos Arana, a doctor from Chiapas, told The Guardian that Coca-Cola addiction is so strong in the Mexican state because it starts very early in life. Data shows that 15% of Indigenous children aged one or two regularly consume soft drinks, as do 3% of babies under six months, from the article:

'Type-2 diabetes is now firmly established as the biggest killer in the region, according to a study of death certificates between 2008 and 2012 in three municipalities. Jaime Page, a medical anthropologist who carried out the study, says the government has sought to keep diabetes mortality out of official statistics to avoid looking bad. Other health problems related to excessive sugar consumption, such as tooth decay, are also rampant, “The consumption of soft drinks here is really terrible, and even with diabetics themselves it can seem impossible for them to stop,” Paige said. “I think it might be a lost battle.”'

I have to admit before being diagnosed a diabetic it was not uncommon for me to drink 2 or 3 large bottles a day, so I stopped, now after years of not drinking coke when I do drink coke it tastes so sickly sweet, plain soda water for me!

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