Monday 12 August 2024

Only One Post Today,

as we were out on Sunday,

and as usual I took way too many photographs, so glad rags on,

and we were soon walking past the nearly finished mini roundabout at the entrance to the park, it is a measure to try and cut down on the number of accidents at this busy 5 way junction, 

Steve and Kai kindly picked us up and we were soon on our way, 

to Stanhill farm, this is the same farm we visited in June 2024 when we were here strawberry picking, the address is Stanhill Fram, The Farm House, Birchwood Rd, Dartford DA2 7HD Phone: 01322 669711, just one small thing they are closed every Monday, 

well we were back, not strawberry picking, 

we were here for a field in the far distance, 

looking back to the car park we were the only ones here, 

we started our walk to the field,

past cabbage and kale, 

and more cabbage, 

and no we were not going to the maize maze, 

looking back at the café and main car park,

a few marrows here, 

along with lots of runner beans,

and here was the start of the maize maze field, 

venture into the maze at your peril!

especially if the maize is taller than you are!

as it happens there was another family already here, 

and this is what we were here for, sunflowers, I have to say the sunflower patch was not as big as the last few times we have visited for them, this the first of the flowers, 

the photograph does not do justice to how yellow the petals really were,

Diana was soon up to her neck in them,

lots of poses, 



and landscape,

Diana had disappeared again!

then she popped up, 

taking lots of photographs, 

as well as people, bees were here, 

one of many, 

covered in pollen, 

he was a busy bee!

back to the important bit, 

lots of photographs, 

at the end of the rows we turned, 

and caught up with Steve and Kai,

who already had armfuls of blooms, the cost was £1.75 a stem or 4 for £5.00, if you forget to bring your own secateurs, they are available here for a deposit of £5.00, 

this was thirsty work, deciding which blooms to bring home, 

so coffee and cakes it was, for all of us, except myself a coffee only,
 for Diana a iced latte and a slice of home made cake,

we had a look in the farm shop, 

these baby tomatoes looked so cute, 

farm made elderflower drinks were available, 

as well as farm grown strawberries and raspberries, 

and these are? cooked beetroots, 

did I mention cakes?

the girls and myself waited whilst Steve walked to the car park to fetch the car, 

a last look at the farm shop,

and we were traveling though country lanes and back to Steve and Kai's home,

a pose from the girls in the front garden,

Kai and Diana soon had all that was needed for a late lunch, 

so much to bar-b-q,

for Steve and myself a beer, 

the bottle in the shape of a happy Buddha, 

let the cooking commence!

and what a selection,

Kai keeping an eye on things, 

whilst Steve did the honours with a bottle of bubbly, 

Buddy called by, 

I think he knew that the food was ready for eating!

back to Steve, 

for a touch more bubbly, 

this was really impressive, 

one of Steve's orchids,

had some of the most fantastical flowers, 

what a beauty, as afternoon turned to evening we said our farewells, many, many thanks to Steve for doing all of the driving and Kai for being the perfect hostess, arriving home it was feet up for a coffee and a nightcap of a large rum for myself,

as we settled down to watch Gods of Egypt, great special effects, easy to follow, and as I mentioned before, it was aimed at kids I guess, so I really enjoyed it, after which we were both a tad tired, so for us we were off to bed.

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