Sunday 18 August 2024

In The Afternoon,

Diana left for work, 

for myself a afternoon in the garden, moving the sprinkler every hour or so, 

I spent the afternoon in the company of Kenneth Horne, leading everyone in Round the Horne, a favorite old time radio show, I made a large post about the series here, the series was broadcast from 1965 to 1968, one in particular I enjoyed Escape From Staglag Limpwrist, (well it was a bit camp), was released, you can listen to it here, my favourites are of course Julian and Sandy, but they are all here, Dame Celia Molestrangler, Fiona and Charles, and Rambling Syd Rumpo, the humour is of course from the 1960s when being a bit bent was not looked on too well by the authorities, 

so Julian and Sandy had to speak Polari, it was widely used by the British gay community from the 1900s to the 1970s, it meant that there was a show within a show in which the producers of it the BBC did not know what they were broadcasting!

in the evening time for a read and a sherry, 

Diana had left me a huge smoked salmon salad, delicious!

'Cheers!', I actually finished the latest copy of Private Eye as I spent a long time reading and listening to music, then time for my evening film,

a old favorite this evening, Excalibur, Uthur Pendragon is given the mystical sword Excalibur by the wizard Merlyn. At his death Uthur buries the sword into a stone, and the next man that can pull it out will be King of England, great story and film, at 2 hours 20 minutes not a short film either, and as a bonus it featured not only a great soundtrack but one of my favorite classical pieces of music, Carmina Burana by Carl Orff, in fact we liked it so much in September 2022 we went to the Royal Albert Hall to watch a performance of it, after which Diana arrived home just in time for a Endeavour, after which we were off to bed.

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