Thursday 8 August 2024

Oh No!

another day of only one post, 

as it is Diana's day off, so as soon as I post this we will be out, back to Wednesday, blog posted and I was out into a nice bright day to visit Duncan, 

chaos at the entrance to the park as yet again traffic lights appeared overnight, 

some work was going on, I had thought everything was nearly finished, 

but apparently not, the time it took the blue van to exit the park was totally way too long, but there it is,

I had a front seat on the top deck of the bus, 

the buses turn to pass the traffic lights,

at the next mini roundabout queues of cars, some turning to make a detour, 

the queue backed up to Stumps Hill,

but no problems once the bus had cleared the road works,

past Peter Pan's Pool,

clear skies looking towards Catford,

on this bus shelter, 

the plants looking good,

then a diversion, I know that next year the High Street in Lewisham will be closed,

but I did not expect to go around town today,

back towards the original route, 

and I was soon at Blackheath station where I had some good luck, a train was going to Gravesend so no changing trains at Dartford, no further work had taken place on the roofs of the platform, 

arriving at Gravesend blue but cloudy skies, then it happened, 

a number 483 and a number 481 had been cancelled so after waiting for 15 minutes or so everyone had to wait for a further 27 minutes, 

off of the bus and up the hill,

the apples growing well,

just a shame they are so sour, 

the birch trees looking nice in full foliage, 

I made my way past the clocktower as fast as I could, the bus delay meant I would not have as long as usual with Duncan, then worse was to happen, 

all of the staff outside and I could not go inside, it was a fire drill, just my luck! after what seemed an age it was all clear so inside I went, Duncan was his usual self, Diana had bought home some strawberries which he loves, we chatted way about what we had been up to in the past week, when his lunch arrived we said our goodbyes and I made a move for the bus stop,

the roses now well past their best, onto a number 483 to Gravesend station, I was in luck a train going through to Blackheath, so again no changing at Dartford, on to a number 54 bus and through Lewisham High Street, 

and this is what this mornings diversion was all about, 

perhaps work on the refurbishment of the road and pavement was going to start early?

going past Lewisham hospital the geraniums in the garden opposite looking nice,

at this bus shelter, 

the bee garden totally wrecked, just to dry for it to survive I guess,
the bus I was on soon joined the queue to get past the park entrance, 

it took so long to move many motorist did a U turn and tried to find another way past the temporary traffic lights,

it was dire, 

eventually the bus drove pat the road works, and yes you guessed it, 

not a single worker to be seen!

it all seemed so unnecessary for just a small part of the pavement to be repaired, but I guess they know best,

I passed the green, 

and caught up with the number 54 in front, 

off in town at the florists, 

to day a nice display of hydrangeas, 

as well as cyclamen, normal sized,

and miniatures, 

this is one of the reasons I stayed on the bus, I had to pick up my prescription at Boots the chemist,

also I wanted to pick up some more beetroot juice and some ice, back onto the bus and home,

where after a couple of quiz shows it was time for my sherry and evening read, 

for my meal this evening Diana had prepared a huge chilli con carne, 

'Cheers!', after which it was a BattleBots, the start of a new round of 16 robots to battle a champion in the final, great fun, I followed that with 2 from the Antiques Road trip, and a couple from Motorway Patrol, a ride with officers from the police in New Zealand, before two things happened, a Have I Got A Bit More News For You Started and Diana arrived home, so feet up for a coffee and a chat as we watched that before we were off to bed.

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