Saturday 10 August 2024

I Had A Fairly Quiet Day,

having said that I was down and upstairs every so often, 

at the shop the tablet had finally decided to die, so I ordered a new one, a PRITOM 10 inch Android 12 Tablet, so I had to sign for that, also the shop was getting low on brown bags as well as plastic carrier bags, naturally none of those fitted through the letter box so downstairs each time a delivery driver called round, then the postman arrived with a package for a neighbour that needed signing for, still it was good exercise for my legs, although my knees were not amused! I put the tablet on charge and tomorrow will try to load it with the suppliers for the shop that makes ordering a breeze, I just hope I can figure out how to make it do what the old one did, the only other thing I had to do was water the plants and watch a bit of television as I waited for the bits and pieces to arrive, 

in the evening time for a read, 

and my evening meal, a chilli con carne, 


after my meal I was out to meet Steve in the club, 

not many in the tennis courts this evening, 

but there was a cricket match going on, 

the fielders having a chat, 

a few spectators by the nets,
I do not now who he was, but this was a 6, the next ball a 4, 

a block and then the next a 6 again!

there was quite a good crowd, I later found out it was the clubs under 19s playing Bromley Common, I forgot to look who won, I was soon joined by Steve, we watched some of the Olympics before being joined by Frank and then the first game of this years football season, after which we said our goodbyes and made a move for our homes, I arrived shortly before Diana, so feet up for a coffee and a chat as we watched a Have I Got A Bit More News For You, next for us, we were off to bed.

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