Thursday 15 August 2024

Diana Was On A Late Shift Today,

so we had breakfast together, 

after posting the blog a 'Cheers!', with a mug of tea and a fried egg sandwich, 

next I was out to visit Duncan, in the car park 2 vans from the contractors who are replacing the conduit and other bits and pieces in the cellar, 

it was a grey stuffy day, 

onto the number 54 bus, at the Beckenham Hill entrance to the park lorries leaving the park, this weekend there is a music festival taking place, all of the stage and sound equipment coming through this entrance, 

past Peter Pan's Pool,

a heron waiting to spy it's next meal,

the clouds lifting looking towards Catford, 

the plants on this bus shelter, 

now their usual summer red colour, I hope the bees enjoyed the flowers earlier this summer, 

again the bus made a detour around Lewisham,

then up the hill, I always wonder about the legal consequences of someone tripping over a EV cable on the pavement,

I guess it is only a matter of time before someone trips over it, 

the bus stopped by the graveyard of St. Margret's church, so I manged to get a photograph of this old building in it, the original church maybe, or a private crypt?

in Blackheath I was in luck,

a train straight through to Gravesend, although it stopped at Dartford, 

I did not have to change trains, so photographs through the train window,

in Gravesend it was getting warmer,

opposite the bus stop the hanging baskets on the pub, 

looking nice,

off of the bus and up the hill, 

I continued walking towards the nursing home Duncan is in,

there were plenty of apples still ripening in the tree at the entrance, 

I made my way inside, 

unfortunately Duncan was not his usual self, he mentioned that he had been unwell during the week, he tried to keep awake but it was a uphill battle as he kept nodding off, as his lunch arrived we said our farewells until next week and I left, 

I always wonder why the owner of this car parks it here, 

with the threat of falling apples that could damage the roof or bonnet of the car, 

again I was in luck with the trains, no changing at Dartford, then on to a crowded number 54 bus, 

and this is why the bus detoured this morning,

works on the pavement in Lewisham High Street means one way traffic only, 

then more road works at Lewisham fire station,

by the hospital the flower beds of geraniums putting on a good show,

I was soon walking past the snail mail box and arrived home, thankfully the power came back on just before, 

my evening read and sherry, and in a stroke of good fortune the latest copy of Private Eye was waiting at home, by now Diana had already left for work,

for my meal this evening onion bhajis, 

eyes down and tuck in,

followed by chicken tikka masala and plain rice,
'Cheers!', after which it was feet up for a BattleBots and a couple from the Antiques Road Trip, before a Midsomer Murder I had not seen before, 

For Death Prepare, using the production of The Pirates Of Penzance by Gilbert and Sullivan as its background story, after which Diana returned home so feet up for a coffee and a chat before she was off to bed, a early start tomorrow, for myself a documentary about production of V1 rockets before I too was off to bed.

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