Monday 19 August 2024

It Was A Glorious Sunday,

blue skies, bright sun, really warm, birds were singing, what more could we want?

a walk in the park! so summer glad rags on, 

and we were off, past the snail mail box,

and into the park,

in the distance, 

on the left the rear of the mansion,

on the right the stage that had been making so much noise over the past 2 evenings, some sort of music hip-hop, grunge going on, dreadful racket, but there it was,

in front of the mansion the flower stall not here this week,

but in the spot was another flower company, 

with lots of cut flowers, the lady there explained she was a independent flower grower, who had their own flower farm in Surrey, 

Farleigh Flowers, their Instagram site is here

a few food stalls along the front of the green,

we had not seen this one before,

at the side of the green I was tempted, 

so a slice of damson plum cake it was for £2.90, 

we started to look at the stalls at the front, 

we saw these on out last visit here, 

and decided that some would be nice, not for today but Monday evening, so a lamb and a chicken samosa and a onion bhaji it was, 3 for £8.00,

we walked along the side of the building,

in the distance, 

the huge tent covering the stage, 

we snagged a table, Diana had bought a couple of slices of cake from the café, 

our view from our table over what was once the most successful public golf course in the UK, 

Diana with her cake, 

and me as usual with a beer!

Diana had also bought a ice cream,

all was well, except for a few moments of horror for this couple, a unmuzzled dog not on a leash and totally out of control made a lung for their baby in the stroller, 

the father fought it off, the owner of the dog disappeared with the dog as if by magic, when will dog owners realise that their pet can be unpredictable and muzzle their dogs in public? thankfully the child was undamaged, but a life long scar will be in the parents minds forever, Sunday the 18th, the day when their child was attacked by a out of control dog,

we finished our drinks and Diana her cake,

so we made a move for the park gates that stop cars from entering, 

past the snail mail box and home, 

for a read and a sherry,

today a starter of filo prawns,

excuse fingers!

for today roast pork, with gravy for Diana,

sans gravy for myself,


we rounded off the meal with a strawberry trifle, 

delicious, we then spent the rest of the day with Columbo, we had watched these before, but such a long time ago it was nice to watch them again, after a snack in the evening it was time for a Wycliffe, after which Diana was off to bed, a early start tomorrow, for myself a Have I Got A Bit More News For You, before I too was off to bed.

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