Friday 21 June 2024

Another Day Of Only One Post,

we were out as it was Diana's day off, and as usual I took way too many photographs,

we picked Steve and Kai up, we were going strawberry picking, but as soon as Kai was in the car she gave Diana her birthday present, although not quite due yet, it was too much for Diana, she just had to open her present!

and this is where we were going Stanhill Fram, The Farm House, Birchwood Rd, Dartford DA2 7HD Phone: 01322 669711, just one small thing they are closed every Monday, 

inside the farm shop,

where you can pick up a punnet or basket, the prices are for a punnet of strawberries £3.85, or a basket of strawberries £17.00,

I had to strike the pose,

strawberry fields in the distance,

Diana and Kai decided on a basket each,

we made our way past other fields,

keep going!

nearly there, 

we were not alone, 

there were only 3 or 4 cars in the car park, a great advantage going during the week, no crowds, 

picking started in earnest,

although the strawberries seemed sparse on the ground,

the girls were soon filling their baskets,

not many large fruits, 

but having tried one or three, they were so full of flavour and sweet,

I let Diana do the picking, 

the ones I kept choosing were just not quite right, 

Diana soon had the bottom of her basket covered, 

not quiet enough,

well I just had to have a pose,

one sans hat,

and a close up with Diana's basket,

in the distance,

Steve and Kai,

we joined them as Kai started,

to make a video for her Facebook page,

Steve doing the honours as producer, director and cameraman,

a panorama of one of the fields, Steve, Kai and Diana in the middle,

it was time for a rest for Diana, and a chance to try a few of the fruits, 

that was nice,

and there is another one,

a pose from Steve and Kai,

and one from Diana as we left, 

next stop Coolings,
for a coffee, ice cream and cake,

but first inside I had a quick look around,

lots of colour,

naturally I had a look at the insectivorous plants, 

below them these nerve plants, (Fittonoia),

so many potted indoor plants,
cactus included, 

then outside past the water features,

and garden ornaments,

there was a good show of Agapanthus, with their striking ball of flowers on a long stem,

a real mix of plants here,

lots of hydrangeas,
on this stand another burst of colour, 

time for coffee and cakes!

we sat outside, 

it was a glorious day,

around us planted beds of flowers and palms,

on the other side of the hedge, the growing greenhouses,

we made our way back past the marigolds,

into the aquarium there that sells koi carp,

Steve and Kai strike the pose,

looking down from above,

and one from Diana,

we arrived back at Steve and Kai's, Steve has been very busy, as he is the go-to guy for bee swarms, if anyone telephones that a swarm has appeared in their garden or on their property the call is fielded to Steve, who then goes out to collect them and take them back to the apiary he helps look after, but it has become full so the last swarm he had to put into one of his spare hives he keeps for such emergencies,

his original bees are in this hive, 

the new swarm in this one,

Buddy called by,

as Diana relaxed, then we were back out, 

well all of that strawberry picking was hungry work!

to the Himalayan Kitchen, it was just a few minuets walk from Steve and Kai's house,

it is a small family run restaurant, with mum and dad, and son and daughter, 

here is the son, the restaurant is small, so it is a good idea to book at the weekends,

our poppadum's arrived, 

'Cheers!', from Steve and myself, yes your eyes are not deceiving you, me drinking water! and yes I know what fish do in it, but no alcohol as I am on antibiotics for a gum abscess, our starters arrived,

meat samosas, 

potato aloo,

and a prawn puri,

Kai and Steve,

another 'Cheers!', from myself,

and from Steve,

our main courses arrived and what a feast! we were all full to bursting, and the food so delicious, I do not know how much the bill came to as Steve and Kai treated us to the meal, many thanks indeed, 

we started our walk back going past some street art on the side of a railway arch, this old guy with his camera, 

naturally everyone said it was me in a few years time!

I was then told to do the 'gummy' bit like the one in the artwork!,
this under the arch, 

we all liked the cat as well, we arrived back at Steve and Kai's home where we said our farewells and thanks again for a lovely meal and in fact a lovely day, arriving home it was a Midsomer Murder, then as Diana has another early start tomorrow we were off to bed.

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