Tuesday 11 June 2024

About 10 Days Ago,

I made a post about mascots on cars, 

it is here, but for this post instead of mascots I thought I would look at car manufactures badges or logos, and more about how they came about and what do they mean?

all images below credit: Getty, perhaps the most unusual one for many of us, Alfa Romeo, the red cross on the badge stands for the city of Milan while the green snake represents the House of Visconti, and Romeo comes from the last name of the businessman who bought the company in 1915,

perhaps the most complicated colourwise, the article states that Cadillac’s founder, Antoine Laumet de la Mothe, was a French explorer, He chose the name Sir of Cadillac for himself and the badge displays his coat of arms, the design holds a shield, which was based on the armour of the baron of Lamothe-Bardigues, however there is a slightly different history of the company here

perhaps the plainest of logos Chevroletapparently the logo was created within the first few years of Louis Chevrolet setting up the company, again a few theories as to how the logo was ‘found’, He is understood to have taken inspiration from a local advert in a newspaper, or another theory is the co-founder, William C. Durant, was travelling in Paris and saw a wallpaper design which caught his eye,

and of course one from the UK Bentley, the wings because the company original made aircraft engines, hence the wings, but I have no idea why there are a different number of feathers on each wing, for the original article have a look here, with more car logos looked at, actually the more I read the more I think that the original article that appeared in a newspaper was not well researched, but there it is.

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