Saturday 22 June 2024

After Dropping Off Diana At Work

she had a early start, 

I played dodge the foxes on the way home, we often see one or two on the way to her work when she is on early shift, on the way back home there were 4 of them! I had a quiet day, all the usual things, post yesterdays blog, exercises, shower and breakfast, the good news was that the swelling of the abscess on my gum had gone down considerably and was no longer painful, so that is a relief, in the afternoon I watched Jules, and what a delightful movie it was, as it has just been released on Now TV I will not say too much, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, after which Diana returned home,

it was soon time for my evening read, sans red wine!

Diana had prepared a huge egg salad, 

eyes down and tuck in, after which the television schedule was totally scrambled because of some game, plus horse racing, so we watched a Deadliest Catch followed by a Wicked Tuna, next one for myself Hornby: A Model World, this episode about the A4 Mallard, next a double helping of Life on Mars, which unfortunate ended, it was most enjoyable especially for myself seeing many of the cars of the 1970s and the actions of the police so believable, 

we then decided on a new series, Taboo, I am hooked, not so sure about Diana, having inherited a strip of land that has since become hugely valuable to the right people, Delaney, (Tom Hardy), plans to rally against corruption and the greed of dishonest men, we will give episode 2 a try the next time Diana is home in the evening, after which we were off to bed.

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