Tuesday 18 June 2024

Diana Had Already Left For Work,

as she was on a early shift today, 

for myself I had some printing and a few other things to drop off at the shop, and pop into Bromley to pay a cheque in, so out into a bright sunny but cloudy day, 

work progressing on the pavements, 

getting ready for 2 zebra crossings and a mini roundabout if the plans are to be believed, 

off of the number 54 bus at This 'N' That where I had a look inside, 

over the road to the shop where I dropped off some gift vouchers I had printed, as well as blades to clean algae off of the aquarium glasses as well as some Cellotape, 

back on to a number 227 bus to Bromley to Barclays to pay in a cheque, 

all done so out past Primark,

being a Monday no or at least not many stalls here today, 

and this is where I was headed, as I had to come to Bromley I thought I would pick up another couple of bottles of spiced rum, also a melon, milk and bananas, all heavy stuff to save Diana from carrying it all home,

I was soon back in Beckenham walking past the graveyard, 

and through the green, 

to the mini roundabout installation, the pink bit is where the pavement has small bumps it it, so that partially sighted people can feel where the zebra crossing will be, 

into the park and home, where I made a shocking discovery, it was not spiced rum I was running out of, it was boxes of red wine, short term memory shot to pieces! so I guess I will have to drink the rum twice as quickly to catch up, and then pop back to Bromley and buy 2 boxes of red wine, after I arrived home, at the shop I realised some rubber bands had not arrived, so I called the company, who traced the order, I found out that the Post Office parcel delivery service decided because of the road works they would not deliver to Beckenham Place Park, although there is 100% access to Foxgrove Road from the park, and because they did not deliver it they did not leave a card to say they had called, or try to drop it off again, so the parcel was returned to the Post Office in Park Langley, where it has sat for the past 10 days! why does this sort of thing always happen to me? so tomorrow on the number 162 bus to Park Langley to pick it up, then into town for a number 54 bus to go to the shop, and the Post Office wonder why it is losing so many accounts and customer's to the likes of DHL UPS etc whilst on the telephone to the company I ordered the rubber bands from Diana arrived home, so a coffee and a chat before she went for a few ZZZZ's, after which it was time for our evening meal, then feet up for BattleBots, which for some reason was starting again, although Tipping Point and The Chase had been cancelled, some football game was showing, we followed that with Tuna Wars, and a double helping of the excellent Life on Mars, after which Diana was off to bed, another early start, for myself,
Valley of the Kings: The Lost Tombs, which was for myself a pleasure to watch, after which I too was off to bed.

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