Saturday 22 June 2024

Over The Years,

I have featured so many buildings, 

photographs by Barnabas Calder, mostly skyscrapers but some new builds that have been given awards or had some remarkable feature about them, but from memory I cannot think of a single building that I have featured for a award from the UK, until now, 

behold the Lime Street Redevelopment, Liverpool, it has won an award! "[The] shortlist selection, narrowed from 50 final entries, reflect a range of developments from across the country which, taken as a whole, epitomise Britain's architectural malaise," the award announcement stated, "Entries were assessed not only for their design flaws and lack of utility, but also for their wastefulness in construction, their impact on the urban environment around them – and, of course, their hideousness."

yes Team GB has at last won an award in architecture, The Carbuncle award! in case you have not heard of it, The Carbuncle Cup is an architecture prize, given annually, originally by the magazine Building Design, and since 2024 by The Fence, to "the ugliest building in the United Kingdom completed in the last 12 months" you see we are not that bad in the UK, we can win stuff! admittedly it was a UK event only, but still it is the prize that counts!

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