Saturday 15 June 2024

I Saw This Video,

one participant in Race Walking thought she had won, 

but celebrated too early!, clip found on TikTok, but what actually is Competitive Walking? from the article:

'At 1 a.m. on March 10, 1879, the arena at Gilmore’s Garden in New York City (later renamed Madison Square Garden) was absolutely packed with screaming fans of America’s latest sports craze: pedestrianism. That’s right, competitive walking. At the venue, fans outside tried to shove themselves in, breaking windows and scaling the roof. It was no less chaotic inside, where ticketholders scrambled on top of tables, chairs, and each other’s shoulders to get a better view. That day marked the start of the Astley Belt, essentially the Super Bowl of walking. Contestants had to circle the 1/8-mile track for six days straight and reach a distance of at least 450 miles, and whoever travelled farthest was declared the winner. Athletes were not permitted to leave the track, and instead had tents or cottages where they were allowed to get a little rest or medical attention'

the article is here, fast forward to 1904 and Race Walking as it was then called became a constant fixture at the Olympic Games, so what do you have to do, just walk fast? well it is not quite as simple as that, for a full set of modern day rules have a look here, and remember no celebrating until you have passed the finish line!

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