Thursday 20 June 2024

Blog Posted,

I was out to visit Duncan, 

into a slightly grey day, I was soon on the number 54 bus, 

and speeding past Peter Pan's Pool, the island in front of Homebase, 

a slight touch of blue showing through the grey, but I was glad I decided to wear my waistcoat, it was not exactly warm,

on the top of this bus shelter the bee garden, 

looking nice with a few flowers now present, 

at Lewisham market the pots and pans stall up and running, 

and plenty of produce waiting to be delivered to stall holders,

arriving at Blackheath village,

at the florists next to the station,

lots of cut flowers, 

as well as potted plants, 

the mini roses looking nice, 

at the station I was in luck, a train was going through Dartford to Gravesend, so no changing trains at Dartford, looking over to the other platform, 

some work was going on, 

 looking at the ends of the platforms,

they looked in a poor state of repair, 

on both sides of the tracks,

the up trains had just left, so not many passengers on the upline, 

arriving in Gravesend, still cloudy, 

on to and off of the 483 bus and I was walking up the hill to the nursing home where Duncan lives,

cars spilling out of the car park next to the silver birch tree at the entrance, 

some of the roses already past their best, 

this one just rose hips,

trying harder, 

this one looking so nice,

with so many flowers on one stem,

and this is why the cars are not in the car park, a quarter of it at least has been taken over by building work on one of the blocks in the home, inside Duncan was not his usual self, he was asleep when I arrived, and could hardly stay awake, he mentioned he had a bad night as far as sleep was concerned, I stayed for a couple of hours as Duncan drifted in and out of sleep until his lunch arrived, a tad early as it happens, never mind I am sure next week he will be his usual self,

outside on the way to the bus stop, 

the apples looked like they were doing well, I sat on a a wall by the stop as the sun came out, it was so hot in the sun I took my waistcoat off, well I arrived at the bus stop at exactly 1,00, I looked at my watch and thought that will be handy for the 1.04 bus, there were a few other passengers waiting for it, in three no show buses time, and a few complaining passengers later, the 2.04 finally arrived, an hour wait for a bus into Gravesend! the good news was that the train again went through Dartford, so only one train on the way home,

on to the number 54 bus and I was soon passing the gardens at Lewisham hospital, where the gardeners had been busy, the beds now planted, 

although I am not sure what the plants are, 

the number 54 bus I was on caught up the number 54 bus in front, I was going to be in a convoy of number 54 buses!

at this bus shelter,

some of the bee garden seems to be have taken over by weeds, 

the same as this one,

alighting at the stop, I walked past the work going on at the entrance to the park,

at the road going into the park at Foxgrove Lodge and the Foxgrove Road/Southend Road a new mini roundabout is being put in place, now only 10 weeks or so of work to go,

blue skies, it was warming up, 

it was soon time for our evening meal, but first a read of Private Eye, 

before starting on the new issue that arrived today,

for our starters a vegetable samosa, 

'Cheers!', with a glass of milk! what was going on? unfortunately the tablets I was on for my gum abscess, Metronidazole, means that I can not drink alcohol for the 5 day course of tablets plus 3 days afterwards! for the side effects have a look here.

back to our main course, a venison steak each with a balsamic drizzled salad, onion rings and curly chips, delicious! pity about the wine though, after our meal we watched a Deadliest Catch and a Tuna Wars, again Tipping Point, The Chase and BattleBots had been cancelled, I will be so glad when this football nonsense is finished, it does not seem to occur to whoever plans the programs that a large number of people have absolutely no interest in any kind of sports, but there is, after which a Midsomer Murder was on, it was a 2 hour episode, then Diana made a move for bed, I watched a Have I Got More News For You, before I too was off to bed.

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