Monday 3 June 2024

Sunday Has Raced Around Again,

where do the days go?

before lunch we decided on a walk to the mansion in the park,

almost clear blue skies, 

and it was nice and warm, 

up the hill to the food stalls and mansion,

hardly a cloud in the sky,

I am not sure what this is, perhaps a huge picnic?

Wise Choice for Flowers and Plants are here at Beckenham Place Park most Sunday's from 10.00 in the morning until 3.00 in the afternoon, their Facebook page is here,

I took a few photographs of the plants on offer,

so many to choose from,

all manner of shapes and sizes, 

even some yuccas in the foreground, 

the food stalls were buzzing, 

but alas the cake stall was not here, 

not to worry but it is always nice to nibble on a cake on a Sunday evening, 

we had both never seen to park so busy, 

 all of the tables and benches were full, 

but we managed to snag 2 chairs and a table, 

apparently I had a new drinking partner!

Diana had a ice tea, 

for myself a couple of Fosters, 'Cheers!',

we made our way back to the gates,  

that stop cars from entering, 

past the snail mail box, 

and home for a read and a sherry, 

for our starters melon not wrapped in Parma ham but with prosciutto ham,

drizzled with plum sauce on a bed of rocket salad, 

for our main course roast pork, with gravy for Diana,

sans gravy for myself, 


to round off our meal profiteroles with cream and ice cream,

delicious, it was then feet up to watch some Columbo, but apparently there were some issues with the signal that affected so many channels, so films it was then, 

 starting with Kong: Skull Island, we had watched the film before but it was nice to watch it again, almost non-stop action with stunning special effects, 

we followed that with The Great Wall, what a spectacle, almost all action with fearsome creatures that every 60 years try to storm the wall and eat the population, but this time the creatures had a cunning plan, so it is then for us mere mortals to catch up, and no I am not going to do the Ketchup joke, what a great movie, we really both enjoyed it,

Atlas (2014), if you like the sort of film where one person saves the world, this is the film for you, again great special effects, and with the end of the film we were off to bed.

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