Saturday 8 June 2024

I Am Only Making One Post Today,

and as soon as I post it I will be off to Rochester, 

back to Friday, I accompanied Diana to the bus stop, 

past the snail mail box,

and work on the new mini roundabout, 

well to the station, Diana went to work, I went inside to buy my tickets to Rochester for tomorrow,

back home past the workers repairing some pipes as the site is readied for the roundabout, 

back past the snail mail box and home,

 as I had a quiet day I decided to take a few photographs of our Venus fly traps, since the last time I photographed them they had all really grown, 

each plant had at least 5 or 6 new traps,

all bigger than the original ones,

this one had just 7 traps, now over a dozen, 

and more smaller ones on the way,

the same for the fly trap in the kitchen,

5 or 6 at least new larger traps, 

in the afternoon I decided on a film, Meg 2: The Trench, we had watched it before in the cinema, but it was good fun to watch again, after which Diana arrived home from work so a coffee and a chat before a couple of quiz show, then time for our evening meal, 

first a read and a sherry, 

for our starters smoked salmon, salad and avocado drizzled with basaltic, 

time to tuck in,

Diana had brought home some flowers, 

for our main course a couple of 30 day aged steaks,

'Cheers!', after which we watched two from the new Hornby series back to back, after which a Lewis before we were off to bed.

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