Sunday 30 June 2024


the never ending story,

we have visited Loch Ness before, and so has 50 year old Bob Rines, a patent lawyer from Boston, he got his first glimpse of the Loch Ness monster in June 23, 1972, “The hair went up on the back of my neck,” Rines says with a happy sigh, recalling that afternoon. “I’ll never forget it as long as I live. My God, at that moment I knew there was something in there. I knew it was an animal! And that’s what’s kept me going all these years.”, Rines is not some sort of unqualified nobody when it comes to tracking objects, from the article:

‘He was trained as a physicist and engineer at M.I.T., and as an undergraduate he invented a type of high-definition sonar equipment for which he was inducted into the Inventors’ Hall of Fame. A modernized version of another of his inventions guided Patriot missiles during the Gulf war, and has been used to find large objects submerged underwater, such as the Titanic’,

He knows what he is doing!, I found the article in The New Yorker, and whatever your views are of Nessie, it is an interesting read, so if you have time garb a mug of coffee and enjoy, I know I did! and by the way, we did not see Nessie.

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