Thursday 6 June 2024

Blog Posted,

and I was on my way to visit Duncan,

into a bright sunny day, 

the traffic lights had been removed at the road works at the entrance to the park,

onto a number 54 bus, which caught up with the one in front, just one van and 4 cars away, 

it always seems strange the the number 54 bus always travels in groups of 2 or 3, 

passing Perter Pan's Pool I noticed an uninvited guest, 

a terrapin, one of several sunning itself, they had been released many years ago when the fad of keeping terrapins thanks to the Ninja Turtles films had died out, 

sunny skies looking towards Catford,

the bee garden here looking nice on top of the bus shelter, 

this colourful pub no longer called Ninth Life,

now renamed The Duke of Catford,

Lewisham market up and running, 

the florists next door to the station just opening,

some potted plants already outside,

these red salvias looking striking in the morning sun, 

I was going to buy a ticket for Saturday to Rochester this morning, but alas as usual the ticket office was closed, the machine here and Beckenham does not accept my senior railcard that gives me a 30% discount, so a walk to Beckenham tomorrow in the hope that the office there will be open,

the upline trains had just left, I was almost in luck, there was a through train to Gravesend so no changing trains at Dartford and the wait there, 

so I waited and waited, not getting onto the trains that terminated at Dartford and then, cancelled, just my luck! I could have caught one of the earlier trains to Dartford, 

which is where I ended up waiting, 

for the train to Gravesend, no fountain in the pond by the station today,

the willow tree looking nice, 

arriving at Gravesend onto and off of the 483 bus and up the hill to the nursing home where Duncan lives,

the silver birch at the entrance now covered in leaves, 

since last week a few more roses have started flowering,

all of these looking nice, 

and recovering from the battering of wind and rain a few weeks previous, 

this one looking particularly nice, 

some stems with multiple blooms, 

Duncan was in fine sprits, we chatted away about what we had been up to in the past week, watching the Mad Max Furiosa film as well as our walk in the park on Sunday amongst other things, when Duncan's lunch arrived we said our goodbyes and I made a move for the bus, 

on the way out of the grounds I noticed that the apple tree, 

had a few apples on it, unlike last year when it literally had just one! arriving at Gravesend station I was in luck a train was going through Dartford to Blackheath, so no changing trains, arriving in Blackheath I had a look at the florists, but this week no cut flowers, over the road to the bus stop where a very crowded number 54 arrived, 

I could not really take any photographs, but here I noticed all of the flowers had been removed from the beds opposite Lewisham hospital,

off of the number 54 bus and I started my walk into the park,

work had started, 

the pavement along one side of Foxgrove Road had been dug up,

past the snail mail box, 

and I was home for my evening meal but first a sherry and a read of the latest Private Eye

Diana had left me a prawn avocado salad with diced spring onions on top,

a drizzle of lemon juice,

which I followed with a Malaysian curry, 

'Cheers!', in the evening before Diana returned home a film,

I had watched the film before, Dracula Untold, but I decided to watch it again, a great twist on the normal Dracula story, Diana arrived shortly after it finished, after a relax, a coffee and a chat it was time for a Have I Got More News For You before we were off to bed.

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