Thursday 27 June 2024

Blog Posted,

and I was out to visit Duncan,

into a warm day with a clear blue sky, 

walking past the work at the entrance to the park, the pavement on the other side of Foxgrove Road finished, 

with work starting on the Foxgrove Lodge side,

as I arrived at the bus stop so did a number 54 bus, 

and I was soon hurtling past the road into the park, 

Peter Pan's Pool looking nice in the sunlight, 

towards Catford not a cloud in the sky, 

on top of this bus shelter, 

some of the plants in the bee garden in flower,

the bus does not normally stop here, this is the St. Mary the Virgin Parish Church, next door to the old Lewisham fire station,

the number 54 bus I was on soon caught up with the number 54 in front, I was in a convoy!

in Lewisham market, 

the awnings were already up, 

not for rain but for some shade from the sun,

alighting at Blackheath village the florists not yet open,

the up trains for London on platform 1 had left, then a nice surprise a train going through Dartford to Gravesend was due, so no changing trains, 

I arrived in Gravesend in plenty of time so into town I went, 

and shopped here for a car sponge, it is so dusty where we park the car I wanted to give it a quick rinse the next time we go out for a ride,

back to the bus stop and clear blue skies over the station, 

and then another surprise, a bus arrived that was not on a normal schedule!

I was soon walking past the gardens in the homes on the road to the nursing home where Duncan lives, 

cars still spilling from the car park due to ongoing work on one of the wings at the home,

the roses coming into a second flowering,

this red as red as it could be,

the pink with masses of blooms,

and the yellow, 

getting a second wind, this week Duncan was back to his usual self, wide awake and chatting away, I told him of our trip to the Toby for breakfast and the to the lavender farm, we chatted away, thanks to the buses and trains all meshing so well even with my walk into town I was there for well over 2 hours chatting away, why could public transport not be like that every time I visit?

as Duncan's lunch arrived we said our farewells as I reminded him next week I would be visiting on Tuesday as next Wednesday as it is Diana's day off and we will be out for a picnic with Steve and Kai, in the apple tree at the entrance, 

it looks like a bumper crop of apples this year, on the way home another surprise, a 483 appeared out of nowhere with 'replacement service' showing on it, so I saved a potential half an hour to one hour wait at the bus stop, as I arrived in Gravesend I walked to the train station and in another departure from normal, a train was going to Victoria! so again no changing at Dartford, I arrived at Blackheath village in record time, 

I already had my camera out to photograph the cut flowers and potted plants in the florists, but it was still closed, a few notes in the window,
another retail business in the Hight Street, 

bites the dust, it is a shame as they always put on a good show, but there it is,

onto the number 54 bus and past the gardens opposite Lewisham hospital, still no flowers yet in the beds, 

the bee garden on top of this bus shelter, in very poor condition, 

with even the weeds burnt to a crisp,

but a much nicer result a few stops further up,

not many flowers, 

but the plants were starting to overgrow the bed, 

arriving at the number 54 bus stop near home in again record time, the pavement in front of Foxgrove Lodge now finished, 

a few clouds on my way back home,

after a couple of quiz shows it was time for my evening read and sherry,

Diana had left me a huge prawn salad on a bed of rocket lettuce, 

eyes down and tuck in,

'Cheers!', as I tucked into a steak and ale pie, after which it was a Deadliest catch and a Wicked Tuna, during which Diana arrived home, one Midsomer Murder later, 
 a Taboo it was, before we were off to bed.

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