Wednesday 5 June 2024

As It Is Wednesday,

I will only be making one post, 

and as soon as I post it I will be off to visit Duncan, back to Tuesday, I had another quiet day, in the afternoon I watched a film, for some reason television via the ariel was still off, lots of interference and unwatchable, so a good 'ole boys own adventure, Reach for the Sky, the somewhat true story of Douglas Bader, who lost his legs in a aircraft accident but with the aid of false legs was still able to fly in WWII! after which Diana arrived home, no quiz shows tonight as we still could not watch normal TV so another film it was after our evening meal, 

this time The Scorpion King, a fantasy set in pre pyramid Egyptian times, the usual story, assassin paid to kill, he falls in love with the would be victim, kills all the bad guys, gets crowded king and ends up with the girl! we followed that with a Have I Got More News For You, as we were both tired we were then off to bed.

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