Wednesday 19 June 2024

Diana Was Already At Work As I Left Home,

I should say I am only making one post today, 

as soon as I post it I will be out to visit Duncan, back to Tuesday, my day did not start out well, as I had a toothache that started yesterday, well I should say a gum ache, it felt like a abscess was forming and giving me some pain, so a call to the dentist and a appointment made for the afternoon, next out past the snail mail box, 

and to the train station, 

over the bridge, 

the Victoria bound train just leaving, 

but I was going here to the 162 bus stop, I had to pick up a package from the post office, as their parcel delivery team could not find the way to our address because of the road works at the entrance to the park, strange how everybody else does not have any trouble going into and out of the park, but there it is, the post office is in Park Langley, I was not too sure where exactly Park Langley was but I was told the post office is in the shops by the Chinese Garage, and why is that bus stop called that?

well because it looks like a Chinese Garage!

off of the bus and into the post office, package collected and back to Beckenham,

then down the steps by what was once the Police station, now a restaurant,

and past a few other restaurants to the bus stop for the number 54 bus, 

I alighted at This 'N' That, which today was closed, 

over the road to the shop, package dropped off and I was on my way home,

waiting for the number 54 bus, going in the other direction a usual sight, 2 number 54 buses travelling together, it happens so often on this route, so, A, the bus in front is very, very late or B, the bus behind is very, very early!

arriving by the road works at the entrance to the park, more work has taken place,

into the park,

and home back past the snail mail box, I had a couple of hours to kill before my dentist appointment, so a coffee and a programme about of all things renovating houses, which was quite interesting as it happens, then out to the bus stop for my dentist appointment, 

nearing the bridge, who was walking towards me? Diana! having just finished her early shift, after saying hello and see you later,

I was walking past Beckenham Green,

and the church, 

and there was my bus, it had just left the stop and was about to turn right at the lights, good job I left a tad early!

I was soon at the dentists and it was diagnosed as a abscess on the gum, then the bad news I needed a course of Metronidazole and received a £28.00 bill, the even worse news that particular prescription because of what it is means absolutely no alcohol for the 5 day course of tablets plus 3 days afterwards! for the side effects have a look here.

off of the 358 bus and a walk to the pharmacists to pick up my prescription, past the bicycle shop on the corner of the cinema and war memorial roundabout, 

a tandem, I have not seen one of these for years, 

it does not seem that long ago the the front of the cinema was painted, but looking at the top of it, it needs another coat, 

into and out of the chemist with my prescription, onto a number 54 bus and home, alighting at the stop for the park I started to walk home,

 Sheraton House now has a new ramp leading over the pavement to the road, 

and work continues in Foxgrove Road, 

into the park, all of the trees looking so nice in full foliage, arriving home Diana was having a few ZZZZ's for myself a documentary,

Lost Pyramids of the Aztecs, which I found very interesting after Diana awoke we had our evening meal unfortunately because of football matches no Tipping Point, The Chase or BattleBots, so a Deadliest Catch and Tuna Wars it was until a Midsomer Murder, after which as Diana has another early start she was off to bed, I watched a Have I Got More News For You, after which I too was off to bed.


jpo5626 said...

Dear Stanley and Diana
So sorry to hear about the gum abscess . We view the dentist and dental work as ongoing, permanent construction! Seems you just get one tooth and gum under control then another pops up with problems! Your mouth, like mine, a great earner for the dental trade.
On a happier note-we wanted to wish your lovely wife Diana a very Happy Birthday!! We love the cakes at Steve’s party and nice the girls celebrate together!!!!
Bet you will miss the bubbly, spiced rum etc while you take treatment but soon it will be over and time for a nice, tall spiced rum! Take care and enjoy each day-
John and Alley

PattayaStan said...

Dear John and Alley, many thanks for your concern, it was a nice party for the girls indeed, you are so correct, each cavity is a gold mine for my dentist, they must look at my root cannels as regular income streams! the good news, this Friday morning, the swelling has gone down considerably, I am of course continuing with the antibiotic treatment, my first drop of wine will be when I pop down to visit Duncan next week, so a dry weekend for me! best regards, Stan and Diana.