Saturday 22 June 2024

If Counting Sheep,

puts you to sleep, this is most probably not the post for you!

photographs, GIFs and video by Lior Patel, who is a Haifa-based photographer, he has spent the last seven months immersed in the daily rhythms of sheep, hovering above the Peace Valley region of Yokneam, he’s documented a single flock’s grazing process in a captivating time lapse video, 

vegetable farmer Michael Morgan, who’s referred to as the “king of cabbage,” and South Africa-born herder Keith Markov have managed the flock since 1985, and today it fluctuates between 1,000 and 1,750 individuals,

each year, the sheep migrate up to seven kilometres from the valley to the outskirts of Ramot Menashe with the help of shepherds Mustafa Tabash, Mahmoud Kaabiyah, Eyal Morgan, and Dan Goldfinger and a few border collies, which you can see circling the edges of the flock and rounding up stragglers,

and here is the video, he frequently travels throughout Israel documenting agricultural practices, barges, and the historic architecture of city centres with a drone, and you can find more of his aerial photos and footage on his site and Instagram, what an amazing idea to follow sheep from above.

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