Saturday 29 June 2024


this must be something of a record,

I remembered both our wedding anniversary and Diana's birthday! and there in the hall a birthday card under the front door,  

in the living room a sign, 

present and card, 

I will not mention how old Diana is, 

and here she is with cards,

and a present, this is a photograph from our wedding in the Philippines in January 2016, I had sent the original to be enlarged and bought a frame for the photograph, after which Diana was off to work as she is on late shift today, tomorrow we will have a birthday meal out, 

as Diana left for work I too was out, I had a few things to buy, 

as we left the park I looked back to the work going on at the entrance, several more weeks to go,

first stop the number 162 for Diana, before going to work she was popping to Bromley for some shopping and to meet Wilma for a coffee and cake before work, for myself into the station to buy next months tickets to visit Duncan, 

the ticket office had one of its shutters down, but all was not lost the other office although closed had the shutter up, which means the the person who works there had just popped out, sure enough in a few minutes the office was open for business as usual,

tickets purchased I had a walk into town in a road called The Drive,
under it the River Beck

in the distance the High Street, the church tower behind Sainsbury's,
over the High Street, 

and into Sainsbury's for some shopping,

4 cartons of beetroot juice for my glass a day and a few other things later and I was walking past the green on my way home,

it was a tad chilly, so no punters outside O'Neil's today,

back into the park and home,

I was helping watering the lawn again today, 

the sprinkler covered quite an area, 

but I still had to move it several times, 

it does not sound a lot but after going up and downstairs all afternoon my knees were letting me know they did not like it!

thankfully lawn watered so time for a read before my evening meal,

'Cheers!', as I tucked into a slow cooked beef hash topped with parmentier potatoes, delicious!

next out to the club to meet Steve, 

the tennis courts being put to good use, 

into the clubhouse where I meet Steve, we chatted the night away, after saying our goodbyes we made a move for our homes, Diana arrived shortly after me, so it was a episode of It Ain't Half Hot Mum

image BBC which we both found so funny, we rounded off the evening with a Have I Got A Bit More News For You before we were off to bed.

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