Tuesday 25 June 2024

As Diana Has Another Day Off Today,

I will only be making one post, and as soon as I post it,

we will be out, back to Monday, I was ordered out of the flat!, Diana wanted to do a spring clean, not that the flat needed it, but as she commented, "if you are up here you always get in the way", as it happens Matt was also home today, so he invited a few of the residents downstairs for a morning coffee, looking upstairs Diana was beavering away, 

after the coffee and chat it was time to catch a few rays, which as I found out in the evening I did with a vengeance!

as Peng is no longer here Matt has taken up garden watering duties, whilst he is on holiday I too will help out keeping the grass looking nice and green, until the water companies after the wettest winter on record declare a drought and impose a hose pipe ban! in the late afternoon Diana messaged me all was done upstairs, so up I went, naturally nothing was where I had left it, I went to charge the battery for the camera, the leads and chargers had been put "somewhere safe", I guess us guys will know what I mean!

there was a respite in the television programming, so Tipping Point and The Chase it was then, after our evening meal a episode of BattleBots followed by a couple of Antique Road Trips, we then settled down to a new series, Taboo, having inherited a strip of land that has since become hugely valuable to the right people, Delaney, (Tom Hardy), plans to rally against corruption and the greed of dishonest men, it was so enthralling we watched 2 episodes back to back, after which we were off to bed.

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