Monday 9 January 2017

We Were In For Sunday Lunch,

we had bought a half leg of lamb, 


 which looked and was delicious,

 whilst Diana prepared our dessert,

 I took a few pictures of our fish, this one a Congo tetra, (Phenacogrammus interruptus), coming strangely enough from the Congo,

 one of the three angel fish, (Pterophyllum Scalare),

 one of my favourites, the red line torpedo barb, (Sahyadria denisonii),

 and the fish with no name, well at least I can not find it, I am always intrigued by the black line that goes through both anal and caudal fins, I guess as disruptive camouflage,   

 on to desserts, Diana had prepared a strawberry heart crêpe,  

 sprinkled with caster sugar, the crêpes stuffed with fresh cream,

 which we had bought as we knew we were in for the weekend, so that meant there was some left over for a Irish coffee or two!


a spine chilling lear some would say, as I am left with a cream moustache, we spent the early evening listening to music then a few quiz shows, we had started to watch Alphabetical, which is a game show that has aired on ITV since 15 August 2016 and is hosted by Jeff Stelling, it is one of two summer replacements for The Chase, the other being Cash Trapped, fairly easy questions but you have to be lightening fast with the answers, and with that we were off to bed.

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