Thursday 10 October 2024

Diana Was Already At Work,

for myself as soon as I posted the blog I was out,

into quite a nice day to visit Duncan, 

on to a number 54 bus, that played leapfrog with the bus in front, 

so I just had to video one of the 'leaps',

past Peter Pan's Pool,

the sky looking a bit grey towards Catford, 

in the distance a blue light flashing, 

and here it, or I should say they are, 2 police cars escorting a van, I guess with criminals inside, 

which by coincidence happened just before what was once Catford police station, closed long ago, on top of the bus shelter, 

the plants in the bee garden getting ready for winter, 

the bus was making good time, until the driver change at Catford bus garage, 

eventually onward to the one way system in Lewisham,

arriving at Blackheath station, 

the painting finished on this side of the platform, 

I was lucky with the train, which went through to Gravesend, 

also the 483 bus, I made my way up the hill to the nursing home where Duncan stays, 

past the stand of silver birch trees, 

and into the home, the sky looking a tad grey, rain on the way it seems,

inside Duncan was in great sprits, also I had brought down his watch, the pins holding the leather strap on kept giving way, so we bought him a expanding metal watch strap, which hopefully should solve the problem, we chatted away about of all things World War II and how lucky our generation was having been spared such horrors, after a couple of hours his lunch arrived so I said goodbye, 

as I made my way back to the bus stop and then the station, again I was lucky with the train, no changing at Dartford,

on to the number 54 bus and past what seems to be the never ending pavement replacement, 

the good news was that there were lots of workers today, 

flower beds still unplanted at Lewisham hospital,

off of the number 54 bus and a walk home, 

I had a look at the fungi at the base of the tree, 

over night the 2 biggest had grown and were now touching, Diana arrived home from work, we had received a discount voucher from the Toby carvery, 

so glad rags on and we were out, I do not have any photographs of our meal as they are in Diana's telephone and she is at work, but we both had 2 huge platefuls of beef, turkey, pork and gammon ham, plus vegetables followed by 2 enormous desserts, unlimited soft drinks for Diana a bottle of red for myself, the bill with out service charge came to £45.02, arriving home it was feet up for a Midsomer Murder, after which we were both off to bed.

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