Thursday 3 October 2024

Good News, Thursday Is Diana's Day Off,

bad news, I will only have time to make one post before we are out today, 

back to Wednesday, I was out to visit Duncan, into another cold, drizzly day, 

on to the number 54 bus and past the entrance to the park,

there were of course 2 number 54 buses in convey, at one stop if no one was alighting one bus would overtake the other, a game of bus leapfrog if you will,

past Peter Pan's Pool, 

looking towards Catford grey skies,

a bit of a holdup as road works commenced, 

at each stop the lots of customers for the number 54, one of the 2 buses was running late I guess,  

into Lewisham, the other number 54 in front of my bus, 

at Blackheath station work on refurbishment was continuing, at the ticket office end, 

lots of scaffolding, 

on the down line the uprights painted cream and then green, 

I guess a final coat of cream will be applied next, I was lucky with the trains I caught a through train to Gravesend, 

where it was warming up as it happens,

on to and off of the number 483 bus and up the hill to the nursing home where Duncan stays, 

a few leaves starting to be shed by the silver birches at the entrance, 

looking towards the home grey skies, 

as I made my way inside the dog that visits patients in the home was with his owner who was chatting to one of the gardeners, 

inside Duncan was in fine sprits, we chatted away about all manner of things, our early times together in Singapore, Stavanger and Thailand being the favorite topics this week, after a couple of hours when his lunch arrived we said our goodbyes and I made a move for the bus stop, 

it looked so bright, but when I arrived at the stop the heavens opened up so much so I actually had to use the umbrella! thankfully I did not have to wait too long for the bus, 

onto platform 0 for the through train to Blackheath, but I had a cunning plan, the bus diverted around Lewisham and went past a Barclays Bank, so on the way back I popped in there and completed our banking business and just a short walk to the bus stop before I was speeding home on a number 54 bus, 

going past Lewisham Hight Street, 

work was continuing on the pavement, 

opposite Lewisham hospital the geraniums had been removed, the beds being readied for the next planting of flowers, 

one of the few surviving bee gardens on top of bus stops looking nice,

some plants green for the winter, 

and some slightly red, 

as I alighted the bus rain clouds appeared and it started to drizzle,

as I was walking I noticed, 

a new growth of mushrooms, 

at the base of a tree, 

lots of them, 

now where is a mycologist when you need one?

Diana had left for work after me, arriving home a read and a sherry,

Diana had left me a huge chilli-con-carne, 

which was delicious, 'Cheers!', 

when Diana returned form work she had bought a lovely surprise, 

the first of this years panettone, so we had a little tuck into that as we watched,

The Three Musketeers, which we had watched a few times before, but was still great fun to watch again, after the end of that we were of to bed.   

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