Sunday 6 October 2024

Up Early And Out,

I had a appointment at the doctors surgery, 

a little warmer than yesterday as I made my way out of the park,

the road crew had been busy overnight, the mini roundabout and road markings all replaced,

as well as both Zebra crossings, 

it almost seemed that the council wanted this finished ASAP so as not to show Bromley rate payers, what a waste of money the first 12 weeks of installation was,

anyway all done now, 

I walked into town and passed the green, 

in the graveyard, 

the cyclamen looking good, into the surgery, no queue I am happy to say, a roll up of my sleeve ready for this years flu jab, which took no time at all and I was back out and on my way,

past the Travelodge, 

which seems to be taking an age to complete,

I made my way to Boots which was being worked on, to pick up my prescription, 

next stop M & S for a couple of cartons of milk, 

the newly tarmacked road looking clean, 

with all of its lines, 

and Zebra crossings, 

and then the afternoon begun, with me emptying the aquarium, getting it ready for our return from our holiday, also a change of the UV light, 

the blackened part of the tube showing it was due for replacement, 

all cleaned out, the gravel washed, as it happens it took way longer than I thought it would, but there it is, 

next time for a read and a sherry, 

for my meal tonight liver and bacon with mashed potatoes, 'Cheers!'. in the evening a couple of films, firstly,

 Robin Hood, great fun to watch again, which I followed with,

Never Say Never Again, thank goodness for Bond, another world saving event by the master spy, at the end of this Diana arrived home, so time for a coffee and a chat as we watched the last part of three of a Prime Suspect before we were off to bed.

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