Sunday 6 October 2024

When We First Returned To The UK

we needed to buy a car, I was against EVs for so many reasons, 

so we went for a diesel Jaguar, looking at the economy, speed, comfort is was a no brainer, well it looks like many members of the public agree with my choice of diesel according to this headline: 

'Demand for diesel cars grows faster than for EVs'

well who would have thought that? it is a fact that take away the business buyers for EVs where companies get tax relief on the cars, demand from the general public is weak, the bosses of 12 of the UK’s biggest car brands wrote to the government about it’s Zero Emission Vehicle Mandate, stating it will fail without incentives for private electric car buyers, from the article:

‘The letter, written under the auspices of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, also points to a lack of confidence in the UK’s charging infrastructure as another major barrier. As a result, consumers are holding off new car purchases altogether, they maintain that when the ZEV Mandate was conceived, there was an expectation of steady market growth, ever-cheaper batteries, plentiful materials, cheap energy, low interest rates and growing demand – assumptions that have proven to be flawed’ 

no kidding, as I said who would have thought that? for the full article have a look here.

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