Sunday 25 August 2024

Only One Post Today I Am Afraid,

we are out for the day with Steve and Kai on Sunday,

back to Saturday, I have not taken any photographs of the Venus fly traps for some time,

after trimming some of the dead traps off, 

I started snapping away, 

I have to say in all cases except the seedlings,

the plants are throwing up traps, 

like there is no tomorrow, 

and it is not only myself that notices how fast they are growing, 

Diana commented a few weeks ago about a couple in the kitchen,
whose traps were getting, compared to the others, huge, 

having said that some of the ones on the living room window sill are pretty big, 

all in all great progress from them all, 

but as I mentioned the seedlings just seemed to have withered and died, I will not throw them away yet, just in case, 

this is one of the plants in the kitchen, it has so many huge traps growing on it, hopefully my finger will give you some idea of the size, 

all of the buds on the orchid are now open, 

the flowers looking nice, 

after Diana returned home from work, it was a read and sherry, 

then a bowl of chicken noodle soup, as it happens it was a tad cold after the previous few days, so a hot soup was welcome, 

for tonight a couple of 21 day aged steaks with all of the trimmings, 

'Cheers!', after a long break a real treat, 

Diana had made a mixed berry cobbler, which she served with a dollop of double cream, delicious!

another 'Cheers!' we then watched some television, a documentary,

'The virtually untold story of the Titanic's construction, and how 15,000 men toiled day and night in life-threatening conditions to create a floating city',

using unseen footage and incorporating 3D colourised animation still photographs were brought to life, also the documentary touched of the human cost of the build, 8 men died during its construction, after which Diana mentioned she would like to watch,

 Hang 'Em High which saw Jed Cooper and, incorrectly believing him guilty of cattle rustling and murder, a gang hang him and leave him for dead, bad mistake! a pre spaghetti western for Clint Eastwood, after which we were off to bed.

1 comment:

jpo5626 said...

Dear Stanley and Diana
Clint Eastwood turned 94. He is still active with his real estate collection. You should go to YouTube and enjoy a little recap of his life history-fun to watch . All his movies were priceless and set the standard in Westerns, Cop Drama, etc. check it out. I sent over the link for the clip on email to you guys.
Clint is one of the last of “the golden era” so we do really appreciate his contributions!
Oh, and so glad you enjoy Wycliffe.
John and Alley