Friday 3 March 2017


are the new in-fashion statement,

 I have just read, it appears that freckle tattooing is reportedly one of the fastest growing beauty treatments available today, Montreal-based cosmetic tattoo artist Gabrielle Rainbow is considered one of the pioneers who spearheaded the beauty trend,

Gabrielle Rainbow told New Beauty that she now tattoos face freckles for a wide range of clients, from people who naturally get them in the summertime who also want to keep them when they can’t get enough sun exposure, to those who are freckle free, but always dreamed of sporting their own ‘sun kisses’ depending on the artist and the size of the freckled area, the price of a tattooing session starts at $500, how strange when I was at school people whose kids had freckles would pay money to get rid of them, still you cannot halt progress.

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