Sunday 18 October 2020

A Special Gift,

for the man that has everything,

including ear hair!

development of the ultimate ear hair tweezers began in 2016, and took two years to complete, during which time Nikken Kamisori conducted surveys to test interest in such a product. It turned out that Japanese men in their 40s and 50s were looking for a better tool to remove ear hair, and when the tweezers hit the market in 2018, they became a commercial success,

the secret lies in the fact that the springs a square sectioned, that prevents buckling and increases the contact surface, allowing users to catch a lot more hairs in less time,

Nikken Kamisori, is a Japanese company with a long experience of making razors and blades, claims to have created the ultimate ear hair tweezers, yours on Amazon for just $35 plus shipping, for the man that has everything!


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