Thursday 22 October 2020

I Had A Quiet Day,

I spent sometime on the Internet,

and gave the aquarium a spring clean, it is amazing how it looks so nice and then in no time the plants take it over, also I gave all of the orchids a spray of fertilizer, in the evening I settled down for a pre-meal sherry,

for my starter a few slices of smoked salmon and some seeded bread,


followed by a chicken damask and rice,

with a healthy portion of grapes and strawberries for dessert,

I spent the evening reading and listening to music, in fact I read so much I finished both of the  books I was reading at the same time, Diana called just after midnight to say she was on the bus home, so off to the bus stop near the station to walk her home, arriving home a quick coffee and a chat, and we were of to bed.

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