Thursday 10 March 2022

I Was Mesmerised,

as I watched through a microscope,

these crystals grow,

 French video artist Thomas Blanchard has recorded in 8K against a black backdrop,

this video of how crystals grow,

 the video documents a chemical dropped into hot water and then subsequently cooled, the project is a collaboration with musician Sébastien Guérive, whose quiet, beat-heavy track “Bellatrix”, makes a great accompaniment to the video,

the plunge in temperature causes the substance to become unstable, activating crystallization and sending fringed spikes of ice splaying outward from a central point, as it happens we have featured his work a few times before

you can watch more of Blanchard’s works on Vimeo and Instagram, the original 8K video can be seen here, the file is a bit to big to download to our blog, what a fascinating reaction to watch.

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