Friday 25 October 2019

In The Morning,

the tree surgeon called by,

 one of the trees in the front garden was growing close to the next door neighbours house,

 so it had to be trimmed back, not a nice job today, it was raining hard, and windy making the branches difficult to cut and heavy to maneuver, but all was well in the end,

 for myself I was upstairs as Diana was at work,

 so the first photograph color swapped,

 and colour added, this was taken at Keston Ponds, in August this year,

then a bit more colour added,

 next black and white,

 and an antique look,

 our next stop was at Coombe Wood,

 on the same day,

 we were looking at the steps,

 and decided to play with this photograph,

 making it black and white,

 and giving it an old fashioned look,

 this one from up north, 

 York in fact

 if only I had a garden big enough!

 a black and white,

and finally an aged look to the photograph,

in the evening Diana called so I meet her at the bus stop, and we walked home,

then feet up for a couple from The Frankenstein Chronicles and we were off to bed.

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