Monday 21 October 2019

Time For Sunday Lunch,

starting with,

 mussels in a white wine sauce,

 finnish the sherry, then tuck in,

 well I had to make room for the wine!

 today roast lamb, with lots of gravy for Diana,

but none for myself,


 then a disaster, no more wine! well there was but I did not want to start another bottle, so Cinzano it was then, no wait a second, I forgot to unscrew the cap, D'Oh!

 time for a walk to the local post box, we had a form from the bank to fill in, regarding the fraud on our credit card we found out about a few days ago, 

 not many playing tennis today,

 or people in the park,

 arriving back home and looking in the garden, I noticed in the distance something my Grandmother would always comment about,


 but not just any berries, holly berries, she maintained that the more berries on a holly bush on the run up to Christmas the harder/colder the winter would be, well this bush was laden down with them, we shall see if her prediction comes true when winter is here,  

 next our dessert,

strawberry cake with fresh cream, delicious, we watched a few game shows in the afternoon, in the evening after a snack it was feet up for three back to back Murdoch Mysteries that we had not watched before, rounding off the evening with one from Peaky Blinders, then for us we were off to bed.

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