Saturday 31 December 2022

In The Morning,

the locksmith called by,

the part needed to complete the job had arrived, in no time we had a working lock, 

in the afternoon a walk to the bank,

it was a grey day,

 but as it happens I was quite warm walking past the skating rink, I had so many layers of warm clothes on as I though it was going to be cold,

I called into a cashpoint, that was nearly opposite the church,

then into the locksmith's,

bill paid,

and I was on my way home past Foxgrove Lodge, about 20 minutes later Diana arrived home, so it was a coffee and a chat as we watched,

The Mummy, not the newer version, but the one released in 1959, great if rather dated fun,

in the evening a read and a sherry,

I just had a quick snack of a sandwich before I was out to meet Steve, 'Cheers!',

still a good number of people at the rink,

almost as soon as I arrived at the Italian restaurant by the bus stop the 227 arrived,

in no time I arrived at the Moon & Stars,

and snagged a booth with a real flame fire blazing away, we chatted the night away, we talked about the past year, so many changes for everyone, we both hope that 2023 will be better,  

after saying our farewells it was a 227 home and a walk past the churchyard,

and skating rink,

that was just about to close for the night, 

arriving home we decided on a Bond, Spectre, which had it all, after which we were off to bed.

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