Saturday 10 December 2022

It Looked And Was,

really cold outside,

and by sheer happenstance when I looked we had a visitor,

the fox had not called by for some time,

so he shared a few peanuts with the crows,
in the afternoon I decided on a film, one we had watched before, 

The Great Wall, having said that we had watched the film before, it was great fun to watch again, the special effects, costumes and outdoor scenes dazzling,

Diana had already left for work, and I was meeting Steve early at the club, evidently there was a soccer game on, so no read and sherry tonight, just tuck into a sandwich and I was on my way,

past the tennis courts, it made me feel cold thinking of playing in tennis kit, 

not many in the club tonight, Steve and myself chatted away during the game, after saying our farewells it was a very cold walk home, 

Diana had by now arrived home, so time for another advent present,

for today a lip gloss, we watched one from New tricks and then for us we were off to bed.

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