Saturday 24 December 2022

Since July,

using two different specialized cameras,

all images courtesy of NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI above “Pillars of Creation.” amazing photographs have been sent back to Earth by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, the photographs released are of the cosmos in unprecedented detail, to process this image, scientists combined images taken with the telescope’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), 

which brought different elements into focus, near-infrared light emphasizes the stars, including thousands of newly-formed orange spheres that hover around the columns,

it is in a small region within the vast Eagle Nebula—a 6,500 light-year journey from our solar system in the constellation Serpens—the iconic “Pillars of Creation” appear, to view the full 47.59-megapixel photographs have a look at the James Webb website, what truly amazing photographs.

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