Friday 13 October 2023

If You Suffer From Paraskevidekatriaphobia,

today is a bad day for you!

image: ©2014-2021 Tomasz Skoczen, Paraskevidekatriaphobia stems from the word Triskaidekaphobia which is a fear of the number 13, and today is Friday 13th! The fear of the number 13 has a few different reasons for the unluckiness, such as in the Christian faith where there were 13 people at Jesus' last supper, there is also a superstition from 1774 about 13 people sitting at a table, if that happens it was believed that one of them would die within a year, Friday itself has also been considered unlucky in some cultures, particularly with sailors who believed that it was unlucky to set sail on a Friday. This is said to be because it was a Friday that Jesus was crucified and Friday the day that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, one of the first documented accounts of the day being unlucky was from a character in a play called 'Les Finesses des Gribouilles' in 1834, the character states, “Je suis né un vendredi, treize décèmbre, 1813, d’où viennent tous mes malheurs!” (“I was born on a Friday, December 13, 1813, from which come all my misfortunes.”), and there are so many more superstitions about today, which you can read about here, I hope all goes well for all Paraskevidekatriaphobia sufferers today!

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