Wednesday 3 April 2019

A Walk Into Town Today,

I had to call into the bank and the shop,

looking back along the High Street,

  and towards the halfway point,

 I almost stopped for a few sweets, but think of the diet!

 into the bank,

 and then along to Kingfisheries in the Croydon Road, it is a shop that sells tropical, marine and coldwater fish plants and equipment, so I had a look around,


 at a couple of the many aquariums for sale,

 some of the freshwater plants,

 and aquarium decorations,

 lots of them,

 and lots of fish,

 in the sales aquariums to look at too,

 the invertebrate aquarium,

 with a selection of coral frags

 these are pieces of coral that hobbyists grow and sell to shops and other hobbyists,

 so reducing the demand for wild harvested pieces of coral,

 which means that coral reefs are no longer needed,

 to indulge this fascinating hobby,

 so with little or in fact no impact on coral reefs you can have a home marine aquarium with home grown coral and tank bred marine fish, 

 yes you read that correctly tank bred marine fish, as of 2017 here is a list of 250 fish available to the discerning aquarist and a lot more have been added since then, what a perfect addition to any living room, I called into Boots for some surgical spirit, to clean one of our walls as we wish to attach some photographs to it in the future, and surgical spirit or rubbing alcohol as it is called in the US, is recommended to clean the walls before attaching adhesive tape which the pictures will hang from,

 Steve called round in the afternoon for a coffee and a chat, after we said goodbye it was feet up after our evening meal for The Core on cable television, a highly enjoyable sci-fi romp in the underworld,

one of the reasons I had called into the shop was that a few 4K disc had arrived that we had pre-ordered when we were still in Thailand, and Alien Covenant was one of them, it look so stunning in 4K, and more than a bit scary in places, with the end of that, one from the Poirot box and we were off to bed.

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