Monday 10 October 2022

If You Want A Low Maintenance Pet,

here it is,

Robo dog, you may have seen one of these made by Boston Dynamics, named Spot, in the USA Spot is selling for $74,500, which is a bit too much for many, but here is the thing about Robo dogs, they don’t require any food, you don’t have to clean up after them, and you don’t have to spend time with them if you don’t have to,

so it was only a matter of time before copy Robo dogs became available, according to several Chinese news outlets, the vast majority of robot dogs spotted in the streets of Chinese cities like Shanghai and Beijing are domestically produced and have a number of built-in features like “following”, rolling, sitting, running, and carrying weights of up to 5 kilograms,

a camera in the dog’s head allows it to identify and bypass obstacles and even recognize its owner, prices for Chinese robot dogs reportedly vary between 15,000 yuan, at today's rate £1,900.46 or $2,099.25 and up to 100,000 yuan, £12,662.06 or $13,995.02 depending on build quality, built-in features, 

battery life is for this type of pet is typically 45 minutes, 

so no really long walkies! will Robo dogs catch on? well manufactures seem to think so, but at these sort of prices will a new wave of dog napping hit the streets?

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