Friday 24 May 2024

After Diana Left For Work,

I had a fairly quiet day, 

the aquarium needed a bit of a clean so I spent some time on that, also the drain in the shower was not emptying as quickly as normal, so out with the Mr. Muscle drain cleaner, as it happens I also poured some down the hand basin and the two drains in the kitchen double sink, after which I watched a documentary, before remembering I should have flushed Mr. Muscle away after 5 minutes! next a couple of quiz shows followed by my evening meal, just in time for a BattleBots and a Wicked Tuna, it was a evening of television as on one of the channels it was a double helping of Giant Lobster Hunters before Diana arrived home, so a coffee and a chat, as we watched a Poirot, we had of course watched it before some time ago, but it was nice to watch it again, before we were off to bed.

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