Saturday 18 May 2024

I Enjoy Stories Like This,

as we drive around we often see things in driveways, 

photographs Hanif Panni, the spare car, a boat, caravan or even a motorhome, no big deal it is what it is, but in the Monterey County of Seaside a resident received a notice from the city of Seaside requesting that he comply with a municipal code regarding parking restrictions for non-passenger vehicles, such as boats, according to the municipal code, the boat needed to be behind a 6-foot-high fence, so it wouldn’t be visible from the street, which Etienne Constable found strange as previously parked a sailboat on his property long before he put this vessel in the driveway, the 19-foot-long Arima 19 Sea Ranger, named Might as Well, has been on his property now for the last four years, if the boat wasn’t concealed, the notice stated noncompliance was punishable by a first offense of a $100 fee, according to Constable,

so he complied and had the fence built, but what colour to paint it? Then in a flash of brilliance, he decided to paint his boat on it! With a little brainstorming on how to put a creative spin on the situation, Constable reached out to his next-door neighbor, Hanif Panni, an artist who works with different mediums including murals, “Creativity is always a good tool to use against bureaucracy,” Panni said, “if it’s done thoughtfully and with the rules in mind.” 

priceless, absolutely priceless! video above. the story is here

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