Saturday 25 May 2024

The Day Got Off To A Great Start,

Diana cooked breakfast,

two pieces of smoked haddock each warmed in milk,

'Cheers!', with a mug of tea,

after dropping Diana off at work, I stopped in town, 

at the car park behind the cinema, 

I walked into Sainsbury's, I was running out of beetroot juice, apparently drinking the juice has some benefits, strangely enough of all the big stores in town this is the only one that sells it, I had a lazy day watching television, I thought about going into the garden, but it was a tad chilly, 

in the evening time for a read of Private Eye, 

and a tuna sandwich, 

before I was out, 

and walking past the tennis courts, 

on the way to meet Steve in the club,

there was a game of cricket on this evening, 

the new scoreboard keeping everyone informed,

it was nice to see a match taking place, 

near the clubhouse family members and supporters looking on, 

pint in hand my view from the clubhouse, Steve and myself were joined by Frank, we chatted the night away until we left for our homes, when Diana arrived home we continued to watch,

photograph BBC Life on Mars, which we both enjoyed until we were off to bed.

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