Sunday 26 May 2024

After Diana Left For Work,

I decided to venture into the kitchen, 

and boil some eggs, for sandwiches and salads, regular readers will know that I seldom spend time in the kitchen, inevitably I get cut, burnt, scalded or grazed, the Gods of the Kitchen do not like me, and they proved it again today, above the result of me trying to boil 6 eggs, as I watched television there was a huge bang from the kitchen, opening the door the air was filled with grey smoke, the floor littered with refrigerator magnets and pieces of egg, shell and yoke, the water in the pan had boiled away, the first egg then exploded, and started an immediate sympathetic detonation with the other 5 eggs in the pan, thankfully most of the blast was contained by the pan, but, that left one way for the egg bombs to go, up, then Mr. Gravity took over, and the smell! it took me an age to clear everything up, all of the windows in the flat open to try and clear the air, this is now the third time the Gods of the Kitchen have struck like this, twice in Thailand and now once here in the UK, the good news was that unlike in Thailand the pan did not melt, but it took an age to clean it, how could I have upset the Kitchen Gods so much?

anyway enough of that I spent what was left of the afternoon in the garden, 

before my evening read and sherry, 

for tonight poppadum's, 

and onion bhajis, 'Cheers!', 

for my main course butter chicken and pulao rice, after which it was feet up for,

Carry On Jack, 'Carry On' is a British comedy franchise comprising 31 films, four Christmas specials, a television series and stage shows produced between 1958 and 1992, great fun for all, I followed that with a all time favorite, 

The Ballad of Cable Hogue, I have watched it so many times, Cable is saved when he finds water in the desert where there should not be any, building a house and stagecoach station he settles down with Hildy, all goes well until two of his former friends who left him in the dessert arrive and then decide to pay him a further visit, then to further confound his plans a new mode of transport arrives, the car, a lovely film which I enjoyed watching again, the soundtrack was by Jerry Goldsmith, a hugely talented and prolific music writer, I do not know what it is, but there is something I just love about this bitter sweet film, after which Diana arrived home, so we took up where we had finished the last Life on Mars before we were off to bed.

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