Tuesday 21 May 2024

Again I Am Only Making One Post Today,

but this time because I feel terrible, 

back to Monday, a beautiful start to the morning, clear blue skies, I had some plastic bags to deliver to the shop, also some printing, so on to a number 54 bus, 

alighted at This 'N' That and said hello to Joanna inside, 

then over the road to Kingfisheries, where I dropped everything off and also picked up some RO water then home, where everything took a turn for the worse, I started feeling slightly dizzy and some what detached, coupled with a dry throat and the start of what was to become a pounding headache, my nose had by now already blocked up and was running every so often in between sneezing bouts, what was going wrong with me? I do not normally suffer from this kind of thing, I took myself off to bed, which is where I was when Diana arrived home, some Lemsip and paracetamols later and I was still feeling crock, we had our evening meal,

 after which we watched Layer Cake, which despite my headache we both enjoyed, the film has quite a pedigree, it was the directorial debut of Matthew Vaughn, producer of Guy Ritchie's Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch, and the director of the Kingsman series, what could possibly go wrong? a great cast, story and locations, I was still feeling pretty awful so after that I was off to bed. I should say I woke this morning after a fitful nights sleep, the towel I had put under me wet where I had the sweats during the night, also my headache, runny nose and dry cough is still with me, so I really do not feel like making any more than this one post, hopefully by tomorrow I will be back to my usual self.


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